ASPU Celebrates World Arduino Day

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Saturday, 16 March, 2019

World Arduino Day has been observed in in more than 100 countries around the world, on March 16th every year.

All sides interested, including educational institutions, organizations or hobbyists celebrate the even, highlight arduino circuit and its various applications  and focus on the open source culture and its importance in community development.


Based on ASPU interest in such activities, the World Arduino Day was organized at ASPU theater with the participation of the Mechatronics Club at the Syrian Computer Society, the Robotics Club at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Damascus and the Voluntary Ambition Team from the Faculty of Computer and Automation Engineering at Damascus University.

The event was attended by ASPU President, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Chairman of the Administrative Committee of the Information Society, faculty members, administrators and students.


The event opened with a minute of silence, in memory of the country’s  martyrs, followed by the national anthem of the Syrian Arab Republic.


ASPU  President welcomed the attendees and spoke about the importance of such activities and ASPU keenness to contribute and participate in it to develop students' knowledge and learning.


Several participants gave details about arduino by giving practical examples and short videos, and defined it as an open source electronic development board designed and programmed by computer to make the use of controllers in interactive projects easier.


In parallel, an exhibition of certain arduino applications on project by students  was opened.


Then, ASPU Dean of the Faculty of Informatics presented a shield to the participants, and the Syrian Computer Society presented a commemorative shield in the name of ASPU President Dr. Yasser Hourieh.

Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 2010
