ASPU launches (Athar) Site for Students Transportation

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Tuesday, 17 Jan, 2023


ASPU President Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar during his interview with “Syria Now” website, announces the launch of the Athar application, in the service of student transportation mechanism at the university.


ASPU has launched a unique application that serves students registered for bus transportation mechanism, in order to avoid complaints that may occur as a result of fuel shortages, high prices, etc., matters that are reflected negatively on students and teachers.

In an exclusive statement, Dr. al-Ashkar said that to serve ASPU students, an important application was made in cooperation with the (First Innovators) Foundation, provides for helping students track the bus that moves from Damascus and its countryside safely by communicating via the Internet through a program that the student downloads on his Android phone under the name (Athar) and the iPhone under the name (Qareeb).

What is remarkable about the application is that one can interact with the bus as if it were a robot, as one can ask anything that comes to mind through the location and time through the website and the map, and the answer will come directly, even if a specific problem or failure happened, a complaint can be filed through the application, and the response comes in a wonderful professional manner.

Al-Ashqar concluded his statement by saying: “We are really keen to track our students from the time they come to the university in the morning until they return to their homes, and there are many surprises about the university's distinguished services for students and teachers, that will be provided later, because our permanent motto is (We work together  ... to achieve your dream).”

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