Student Syrian Arab Student Day in ASPU

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Saturday, 30 March, 2019

          ASPU office of the National Union of Syrian Students NUSS held a ceremony on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the first student conference in Syria on March 30 1950 led by militant leader Hafez al-Assad, who led the students' struggle to pioneering creativity and instilled in them the values ??of belonging and attachment to the homeland and nation’s causes.


The ceremony was attended by NUSS branch chairman in ASPU deans of the faculties, faculty members, administrators and students..

        The attendees observed a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs, followed by the national anthem of the Syrian Arab Republic.


         Head of NUSS branch at ASPU Noor Sirwan, stressed the need for Syrian students to stand by the people and the courageous army under the auspices of President Bashar al-Assad in his fight against terrorism..

          On behalf of ASPU president, Dr. Ali al-Jassim, congratulated the students on this occasion ,  stressing the importance of the NUSS  pioneering national and pioneering role which  proved it  as one of the most  important people ‘and student organizations in the country.


          The ceremony included two documentary films, the first tells the story of the struggle Syrian students have fought since the first Syrian Arab Student Conference, with a high sense of responsibility towards the issues of the country guided by  the wisdom and courage of President Bashar al-Assad, leader of the march of steadfastness and victory.

          The second documentary  speaks of activities  of ASPU office of the NUSS , made  with the participation of students while performing their academic duties.

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