Organized Documentation of Scientific Research on ASPU Website

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Mondayd, 16 Sep, 2019

ASPU has been documenting  scientific researches  on its website in a way that allows researchers to benefit from and access them easily by linking them to the sites of major scientific journals locally and globally.


ASPU documents the scientific researches  of its academic staff through the search engine “Google Scholar”,  in all languages, and searches are sought  by the name of the researcher or magazine or search with the possibility of access to the search link on the directly published  journal site.


When the student blogs  the university site, he finds researches  classified by college, and a box on the left on each page of the college leads him to the scientific research published by the faculty members entitled in the name of the research and the publishing scientific journal.

Moreover, ASPU  website provides access to the research through the faculty icon of the teaching staff  by clicking on the name of the faculty member, where it shows his degrees, biography and scientific research.


Scientific researches  are linked to the website  database ,  divided according to  each faculty, including the name of the researcher participating in the research , title of the research and the publishing  journal ,  the impact factor of the magazine , the date of publication , search language with the search keywords in addition to the search link.


The annexes show the database with graphs of research numbers for each faculty and researcher.

Univ/Faculty News

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