Smooth Exam Environment in Lattakia Faculties

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Wednesday, 22 Jullay, 2020

Director of ASPU Lattakia faculties Dr. Hammoud Ghazal, inspected faculties exam process, pointing to the importance of discipline and calm during examinations.

In an inspection tour of the second semester exams, Dr. Ghazal pointed the need to ensure best exam atmosphere in terms of ensuring student comfort and adherence to abiding laws and instructions during exams.

He stressed the need to commit to precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, through maintain space distancing, wearing masks and hand-sterilization, and sterilization of tools used in the practical exams of medical faculties.

By the end of the first day round on the exams, Dr. Ghazal listened to students views on the questions, which they described as comprehensive and appropriate for all levels.

Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 1950
