ASPU Scientific Day:

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Saturday, 3 June, 2023

Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, the first scientific day of the Faculty of Law was opened d under the title: "Penal Law & Electronic Revolution".

The event was attended by deans of private and public universities law faculties, guests from the Ministry of Justice and the competent courts, and several faculty professors and interested invitees.

The scientific day opened with a speech by Dr. Issa Al-Makhoul, the scientific supervisor for the day, in which he talked about the electronic revolution, its features, importance and the impeding risks. He thanked ASPU President for his great care and interest in this event.

Dr. Jasem Zakaria, Dean of the Faculty of Law, spoke about the importance of the scientific day, as the first scientific day of the college, thanking the lecturers and attendees for their participation in the first scientific day of the college and the President of the University for his generous patronage.

Then, Dr. al-Ashkar honored Dr. Abboud Al-Sarraj with the shield in honor and appreciation for his efforts over decades at the Faculty of Law at Damascus University.

The scientific day began its activities. Dr. Abboud Al-Sarraj, and Dr. Issa Makhoul - Professor of Criminal Law at Damascus University and ASPU, gave a lecture about the concept of electronic crime.

Dr. Mazen Al-Hakim - a teacher of criminal law at the University of Damascus, lectured about the criminal responsibility of service providers on the network.

The second session which was chaired by Dr. Issa Al-Makhoul, was entitled: "Procedural Rules of Cybercrime," and col. Louay Shalish - Head of the Cybercrime Branch, spoke about the judicial police and the digital evidence.

The event was concluded by a lecture by Judge Ibrahim Mustafa - Head of Public Prosecution in Damascus Countryside trial procedures before the courts specialized in electronic crimes.

The lecturers answered all inquiries and questions put by the attendees.

Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 1969
