ASPU Hosts Dr. Buthaina Shabaan

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Wednesday, 30 November, 2022

Under the auspices of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, the university Baath party division held a political seminar for Dr. Buthaina Shaaban, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic, under the title: “Syria’s role in the new regional and international situation”.


The event  was attended by Dr. Khaled Al-Halbouni, Secretary of the Damascus University Branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, Comrade Khaled Abaza, Secretary of Quneitra Branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, Sumer Al-Zaher, NUSS  President,  ASPU head  and members of the Board of Trustees , Dr. Ghassan Khalaf, Head of the Party audition  and Inspection Authority, and Majd al-Hamad, head  of the NUSS university branch , several  members of the People's Assembly, representatives of the Teachers' Union, the people, party teams,  university deans of faculties and Damascus University professors, and a large crowd of interested students.


In her lecture, Dr. Shaaban spoke about the global colonialist schemes against Syria, who stands steadfastness throughout history against conspiracies against it as from 1970 until now, the heroic role of the founding leader, Hafez al-Assad, and the continued steadfastness to the present.
She noted that certain sides had the illusion that Syria is similar to other countries such as Iraq, Libya and alike, however, thanks to the steadfastness of Syria, its leader, President Bashar al-Assad, its brave army and great people,” we have proven to the whole world that we are an indomitable force and we will remain steadfast until the last breath in order to liberate the last inch of our occupied lands.”


Then, Dr. Shabaan answered questions put by the attendees, stressing:” we will remain steadfast and advocates for the unity of the Arab ranks, despite all the global pressures, Arab failure and the global war.”
She stressed that “what our people are suffering in all fields is only a temporary stage, and that victory is coming very soon.


Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar thanked Dr. Buthaina Shaaban, and the honorable attendees for their important participation, which has been a great honor for ASPU.

Univ/Faculty News

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