Higher Education Ministry New Recommendations on Academic Courses & Electronic Publishing

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Tuesday, 21 April, 2020

Part of circulars issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research concerning  measures and decisions taken in the field of corona virus prevention, especially circulars related to electronic publishing of lectures on universities ’websites, the ministry stressed universities continuous  uploading of all scientific subjects on universities  websites and remote communication between professors and students in order to facilitate understanding of the scientific subject.

The Ministry’s stressed the need to review the published lectures electronically extensively after the resumption of working hours, so as  to intensify the curriculum and shorten the time in order to compensate for the educational losses during the lockdown period .

The Ministry emphasized the need to give all theoretical and practical lectures that were not published electronically and all practical lessons given in laboratories according to the number of hours allocated in the teaching program for each university.


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