ASPU, Malaysia City University Signed Academic Cooperation Agreement via Online platform zoom

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Tuesday, 12 May, 2020

ASPU President Dr. Yasser Hourieh signed on Tuesday  an agreement for academic cooperation with City University in Malaysia, via via Online platform zoom .


The signing ceremony  was attended by Dr. Rania Zreer, dean of the faculty of administrative sciences, Dr. George Karraz, dean of the faculty of information engineering, Dr. Wasim al-Hassan, deputy dean of the faculty of information engineering , Khaled Dakouri, ASPU director of public relations and Reham Nassle, director of informatics at the university.


On the part of  Malaysia City University, the agreement was signed in the presence of the director and vice-chancellor, Dr. James Selena , dean of the faculty of information technology Dr. Shyam Bihari Goyal, head of the international marketing department Sarah Oshagi and agreement coordinator Jamal Jamal Khalifa

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