Higher Education and Scientific Research inspects ASPU Educational Process

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Saturday, 13 June, 2020


Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Bassam Ibrahim has inspected ASPU  faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy and checked  the progress of the educational process following  work  resumption at the university as from the beginning of this month, June.

The minister , accompanied by Dr. Shukri al-Baba, deputy higher education minister, Dr. Yasser Hourieh,  ASPU President, Dr. Fayza Kebili, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Hussam el-Din al-Shibli, Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine, Khaled Dakouri, Director of Public Relations and Information at the university,  Ms. Inas  Zarzour, ASPU  director of financial affairs , Ms.  Khawla Bishara, director of engineering affairs and Majd al-Hamad, head  of ASPU Branch of the National Union branch of Syrian students  (NUSS)  , inspected  the university's halls and laboratories and the newly built amphitheater building.

The Minister praised the preventive measures taken by ASPU through  students and the teaching and administrative staff abidance to wearing masks  and in maintaining spacing distance  in the classrooms, and observing all health safety norms.

Dr. Ibrahim listened to the students ’proposals, stressing the ministry ‘s support   for all efforts and proposals  boosting  student’s interest to reach a successful and fruitful educational processes .

Univ/Faculty News

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