Exceptional Academic Year for Students Run out of Success Opportunities in Private universities

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Wednesday, 10 June, 2020

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Bassam Ibrahim has   issued a decision regarding students  who run out of success opportunities   in private universities according to the hours, annual , and semester system.

As for the hours system, the decision  grants  first-year undergraduate students who have run out of  the opportunities to apply for the exam permitted by the result of the academic year 2010/2011 -  2019/2020 who have benefited from an earlier special course or did not benefit from an exceptional academic year according to one of the following options:

1- The second semester and the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020 and the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021.

2- Summer semester 2019/2020 and the first and second semesters of the academic year 2020/2021.

3- The academic year 2020/2021 for the first and second semesters and the summer semester.

These provisions are entitled for  students in the following two cases:

Students who have been run out due to the number of academic years or to  academic warnings in faculties  that adopt the credit hour system or due to a low Accumulated Average.

As for the  hours system , students are also allowed to register in the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020 within period not to exceed  fifteen days from the date of this decision and to register in the other granted semesters within the specified registration dates at the university, provided that the number of hours in each semester does not exceed the number of hours allowed for the student to register, according to approved principles.

As for students in the annual system, the decision stipulated that the first  year university student who has run of success  opportunities to apply for the permissible exam as a result of the exams of the academic year 2010-2011 - year 2019-2020 who had benefited from an  earlier  special course or did not benefit from an exceptional academic year 2019-2020  2019-2020 or academic year  2020-2021, provided that students covered by the decision retain their marks in the works of the year, practical tests, seminars or the like. However,  students who wish to improve   their work degrees  to benefit from the provisions of this decision can submit their applications to the university administration and their working hours are calculated from the date of this decision.

The decision also provides for granting first-year undergraduate students in the semester system that has run out the opportunities to apply for the permissible exam as a result of exams for the academic year 2010-2011 - 2019-2020 , who benefited from an earlier special course or did not benefit from an exceptional academic year according to one of the following options:

1- The second semester of the academic year 2019-2020 and the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021.

2- The academic year 2020-2021.

The two options are stipulated to that students covered by the decision in the semester system can  keep their marks in the work of the year or practical tests or seminars or alike. However, students wishing to improve degrees of work to take advantage of the provisions of this decision to submit their applications to the university administration and their time is calculated starting from the date of this decision.

The decision also excluded the  student who was registered in programs or specializations that were canceled or suspended, to benefit from the provisions of the decision. However,  students of Bilad Al-Sham University for Sharia Sciences who have been run of success opportunities  in the second, third and fourth years in non- Sharia  specializations.

Students who benefit from the provisions of this decision are counted among the absorptive capacity of private universities starting as from the academic year 2020/2021 provided that the student pays fees and premiums equivalent to twice the fees and premiums on which he was registered for the first time in the university, provided that they do not exceed the fees and installments specified in the academic year 2029 -2020 Which is lower.

The provisions of this decision shall also benefit student who is run out of success opportunity  28/5/2020, whose registration was canceled as  from the second semester of the academic year 2018/2019. Student who was run out success opportunities  whose registration was canceled as from  the academic year 2010-2011 until before the beginning of the second semester of the academic year 2018 -2019, has the right to apply to the Directorate of Private Educational Institutions in the Ministry in which he expresses his desire to benefit from the provisions of this decision, taking into account that his registration is canceled if he is registered in (government - private - open - virtual)  learning institutions on the basis of the earlier study at the university he was registered in,  and he is not entitled to return to (government-private-open-virtual) learning institutions.

The student also does not benefit from the equivalence of any subject  he studies  in (government - private - open – virtual ) learning institutions  after his registration was canceled in the previous university in which he was registered , that the student has not obtained a university certificate based on the previous study and the student makes an undertaking stating that the information he has provided is correct and at his own responsibility, and if it is proven otherwise, his registration shall be canceled from the two universities.

Univ/Faculty News

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