ASPU Library Incubates More than 70 Thousand Book Titles

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Tuesday, 12 Jan, 2021



ASPU libraries contain in its four campuses more than 70 thousand books on various academic, political, cultural and scientific subjects, in addition to latest novels and literary books of the most important Arab and foreign writers

Al-Baramkeh headquarters  library shelves contain more than 60 thousand books and the rest is distributed in a qualitative manner in the libraries of other campuses.

 The university library contributes to supplement the information provided to students academically and culturally with specific information that enriches their specializations.

Director of Libraries and Information Resources at the University Shahnaz Fakoush, said that the library has been  constantly working in contact with publishing houses to provide its libraries with latest references that students need in their faculties and studies.

She said that some 5411 books were provided to the university in 2020  as purchase and gifting, of various titles that were approved  by the deans of the faculties noting  various services provided by the library to students including loaning, and  that work is done on indexing, classification, suggestion box, evaluation questionnaires, feedback and response to requests for books by students and staff

According to Fakoush, the library has been  working to establish itself on the Internet, so as  to be closer to students by creating a page in the name of the Libraries Directorate and the Information Resource Center on the Facebook and to publish different links to free Arab and foreign libraries ,and  links to free language courses and Leadership and career skills, goal setting and decision making, and time management , a list of the most important self-education sites in the world, as well as  first aid and audio books.

The directorate, Fakoush went on,  has also worked on activating the automatic Koha system since the second semester of 2020 in order to electronically index the contents of the library with serial digital labels for each book and information source.

The library, she noted, has  designed a questionnaire to measure the satisfaction of the beneficiaries and provided the library with feedback to evaluate services. The questionnaire was distributed randomly to library visitors, and the percentage of satisfaction is overwhelming.

 Fakoush indicated that the Libraries Directorate and the Information Resource Center is working continuously to disseminate  the culture of quality and digital quality in a distinctive way among the directorate's employees and to introduce new records in addition to the loan record that has been in existence since 2019 and activated  library services during 2020.

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