Human Resources Management Discussed in Theses of ASPU Faculty of administrative Sciences students

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Sunday, 30 August, 2020

 ASPU students of the faculty of administrative sciences have discussed in their thesis distinctive titles in human resources management and administrative performance of workers, in the presence of ASPU president Dr. Yasser Hourieh  and faculty dean Dr. Rania Zreer

In their debated theses ,  the students   combined the practical and theoretical sides, highlighted  the role of the organizational environment in the performance of the productive organization and the impact of human resources management on the organization’s performance (a study on ASPU). 

Other topics centered on  the positive impact of human resources training on the organization’s performance and organizational support and its effect on enhancing organizational citizenship behavior and the effect of material and moral incentives on the performance of employees in the organization.

Members of the jury  praised students ’efforts and commitment to the methodology of scientific research in their theses  and the diversity of references and related  studies they used .

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