ASPU Visits Pediatric Department at Damascus al-Bairuni Hospital

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Tuesday, 8 Sep, 2020

ASPU Visits Pediatric Department at Damascus al-Bairuni Hospital


On the occasion of the Children's Cancer Awareness Month, ASPU faculty member Dr. Ghina Najati, accompanied by a group of university students in the Faculties of Human Medicine and Pharmacy visited the Government Children's Department of Cancerous Tumors in a-Bairuni Hospital in Damascus. The visit was made after taking due preventive measures against the Coronavirus. The taken measures included sterilizing clothes, tools, gifts and temperature measurement.

During the visit, ASPU students participated with the cancerous children in a set of psychological activities aimed at providing them with psychological through story reading, questions and answers, drawing and coloring activities, and the distribution of gifts.

Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 1597
