ASPU President Inspects Exam Process & Current Projects at al-Tal Medical Faculties

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Mondayd, 8 Feb, 2021



ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, has inspected the medical faculties in Al-Tal campus, and was  briefed on the progress of the final exams of 2020-2021 first semester and university current projects.



 During his tour, in which he was accompanied by the administrative director Dr. Osama al-Dairi and director of engineering department, Khawla Bishara, Dr. al-Ashkar   was acquainted with the reality of the university's facilities, infrastructure, devices and laboratories, stressing the university's continuous endeavor to develop these facilities in various aspects in order to serve the interest of students to reach an integrated and advanced educational process.




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