ASPU Council Discusses Educational and Examination Process, Adhering to Health Safety Measures

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Mondayd, 5 April, 2021


ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar held a meeting with members of the university’s council, at its headquarters in Al-Baramkeh.



Dr. Al-Ashkar discussed with the members of the University Council determining date of the midterm exams for the second semester and how to proceed in an optimal manner, with an emphasis on taking all precautionary measures to enable students and the teaching and administrative staff how to address Corona virus.



ASPU Head of the NUSS’s branch noted problems related to students in all university faculties and solutions to be taken were discussed to ensure the students ’comfort.

Members of the council noted several topics that would develop the University for the Better.

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