On the Occasion of the Baath Arab Socialist Party Foundation Anniversary: ASPU President: Our Party is our Destiny ... the Way to our Victory

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Tuesday, 6 April, 2021

President of ASPU Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, has stressed  that today’s birth anniversary of our party value, prestige and prestige stand equal to the victories of our brave army, the steadfastness of our great sons , the valor of our loyal people and the wisdom of our beloved leader.

In an exclusive interview to (Syria Now)  Dr. al-Ashkar added that this glorious memory that our country lives on the seventh of April of every year, and celebrates its achievements, projects and bounties, and the dignity and generosity it carries for this steadfast people is but a clear and sincere message to the whole world that Syria ,  leader, army and a people cannot be broken or complacent or accept or compromise on its principles, ideas and policy  that it has adopted from eternity.

The founding of this great party that proved its principles , proved  its beliefs and organized its vision for the bright future that was a shining light for our nation and was an example for our children and this generation that was raised on the tangible truth , the whole world attests to as a reality of a glorious history that is not repeated by time and  place, thanks to dignity, patriotism, glory and honor, made by our ancestors that we will enhance  with all our capabilities and energies.

ASPU  President added: Our great party is a renewed, brilliant party that does not repeat itself, but always and at all times carries purposeful and distinct, visions to serve people and society, that have been embedded in its slogan since its birth, one Arab nation, of an eternal message, including ASPU , which was born in its  arms and has been  raised in its  confinement to grow and embrace the flags of glory, after it pledged itself to be a bright candle and a firm platform on the road to higher education in Syria and to find for itself a prestigious place,  befitting its educational faculties stationed  in Damascus, its countryside and Lattakia and its experienced and distinguished teaching cadres and students who abide by NUSS branch and its workers. Moreover, ASPU has achieved among its sister private and public universities if there is a wonderful participatory approach and a model of cooperation to jointly attain what they aspire to in terms of prestige, glory and pride.

Dr. Al-Ashkar concluded his speech by congratulating all Syrians on this great occasion , hoping  that the Baath Part foundation anniversary  to be a motivation and catalyst for all to overcome our crises with our love, dedication and sincerity, and for our students to have an important goal in achieving their aspirations and dreams for what they aspire to through their perseverance, diligence and dependence on themselves to build this dear nation , blessed with the  great victories of the heroic Syrian Arab Army and the lofty and wise leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad.

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