ASPU- Al-Manara University Scientific Exchange Agreement Co-Signed

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Sunday, 21 Feb, 2021


ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar and President of Al-Manara University Dr. Safwan Al-Assaf have signed an agreement for scientific and cultural exchange between the two universities.

The signing agreement was attended by director of Lattakia faculties Dr. Hamoud Ghazal, and deans of Faculties of both universities, at the headquarters of Manara University in Lattakia.

The agreement stated cooperation in the area of exchanging short visits by representatives of the two universities and faculty members, and in exchanging students in the service of scientific qualification, training, and informational visits.

In the field of scientific activity, the agreement stated implementation and development of joint research projects, organizing conferences, seminars, research seminars, workshops, sports, artistic and social activities, and mutual benefit from the equipment and laboratories available to the two teams.

The agreement also stated the exchange of all books, research journals, university references, scientific publications, and benefiting from the two parties public and electronic libraries.

Univ/Faculty News

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