ASPU Seminar: Current political & Regional Developments

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Sunday, 9 May, 2021


In the presence of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, member of the Al-Wafa Bloc of the Islamic Resistance and Chairman of the Media and Communications committee in the Lebanese Parliament Dr. Hussein Hajj Hassan, gave a seminar for students of the Faculty of International and Diplomatic Relations entitled "Current political and regional developments" at the university theater in Baramkeh.


Dr. Hajj Hassan spoke about the regional political reality and gave brief historical introduction to the conflict with the Zionist enemy, noting the compatibility between American and Israeli interests.


He indicated  the Israeli dangers and the conflict with the  US- backed Zionist and entity, reflected in the  hostile attempts to control oil gas  and water reserves, and in imposing  hegemony over the sovereignty and decisions of states and their independence.


He also noted the great achievements made by the axis of resistance over the years, in defeating all military aggressions.


He stressed that the Palestinian issue will not be given up, that Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine, and that “we will remain on the path of resistance and will not give up.”


He highlighted the role played by social media in this war, especially in organizing and forming beliefs and ideas.


Dr. Hajj Hassan concluded the seminar by extending his greetings to ASPU president Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar and all the attendees. He debated several topics and questions raised by the students.

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