ASPU Celebrates Jerusalem International Day

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Saturday, 8 May, 2021




On the occasion of Jerusalem International Day,  in cooperation with the  National Union of Syrian Students ( NUSS) branch ASPU has  hosted a celebration entitled  "Al-Aqsa ... fuse of a revolution that will not be extinguished" at the university theater at Al-Baramkeh headquarters.



In an inaugural speech, ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkr said that that Jerusalem brings the world together with one word, "holiness, the universe, peace" and Jerusalem is the capital of religions, stressing that Al-Aqsa was and still is the destination of the believers, that resistance is a duty for each of us, each according to his specialization, and that Jerusalem will return to its people due to the steadfastness of its people and wisdom of President Bashar Al-Assad.

Head of the organization branch office Qais Al-Kafri, spoke about the importance of Jerusalem Day, describing it as the day of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, and that it is the day of the revolution, which will not be extinguished until every inch of its lands is returned with the strength of faith and determination, and that Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine, and that Palestine will return back to its people definitely by war or peace.

In his speech, the Yemeni Ambassador in Damascus Dr. Abdullah Sabri, noted the importance of the unity of Arab countries against the Zionist entity and its committed crimes and violations against civilians, the land and sanctities, and that the Palestinian cause will remain the central issue of the Arab nation, describing the Palestinian people as an icon of steadfastness, pride and dignity.

Member of the Al-Wafa Bloc for the Islamic Resistance and Head of the Media committee in the Lebanese Parliament, Dr. Hussein Hajj Hassan said that Jerusalem will forever remain the capital of Palestine and the first destination for Muslims. He spoke about the people's right to return to their homeland and expressed pride in the long history of resistance that will not stop, and the continuous revolutions of the Palestinian people, noting that Jerusalem will remain a symbol of Islamic unity that must be preserved.  He also highlighted the importance of social media in supporting the Palestinian cause and the resistance.

For his part, deputy director of the political department of the army and armed forces, Maj. Gen Mahmoud Gharib renewed, in his speech the pledge of loyalty to Jerusalem, indicating that Arab Palestine will remain present in all international forums. He paid tribute to the heroic resistance men, stressing continued determination in confronting the Zionist project, and that the Palestinian cause is a national issue on which we have grown up, adding “we will never give up an inch of the land of Palestine, and this war will not undermine our resolve.”

Mr. Fayez Stephan talked about the role of the NUSS, stressing that Jerusalem does not need an International Day, as every day is dedicated for Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause, and that the aim of this meeting is to define the position concerning the Palestinian issue, which Syria has been always regarded an issue of existence, noting that the NUSS has been and is still working to consecrate its active role as the bearer of youth awareness and energies.

The ceremony was attended by ASPU President Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar , the representative of NUSS President  Mrs. Darin Suleiman, Mr. Fayez Estefan, the regional Secretary of the Palestinian Baath Party, Mr. Muhammad Qais, the Yemeni ambassador in Damascus  Dr. Abdullah Sabri, Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen, HE Dr. Hussein Haj Hasan, member of the Al-Wafa Bloc for the Islamic Resistance and Head of the Media committee  in the Lebanese Parliament, Dr. Hassan Hammoud, Associate Political Assistant to His Eminence Mr. Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah party, Maj. Gen Akram Al Salti, Commander-in-Chief of the Palestinian Liberation Army, Maj. Gen. Mahmoud Al-Gharib, Deputy Director of the Political Department of the Army and Armed Forces, several members of  People's Assembly, head of ASPU Board of Trustees, Dr. Shukri al-Baba, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Private Universities,  ASPU deans of faculties , members of the administrative, teaching and student  representatives  and the  Palestinian  “Roots musical group.”

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