Activities of ASPU 1st international Conference for Pediatric Cancer Patients Continues Deliberations

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Mondayd, 6 Sep, 2021

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor and ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and Elisar Foundation for Care and Treatment of Children with Cancer, ASPU continued activities of the first virtual international conference on children's cancer.


Activities of the second day of the conference included two scientific sessions, chaired by Dr. Rania Othman and Dr. Zafer Darwish, including  three lectures, the first was  by Dr. Firas Al-Jarf entitled “Children’s Cancer in Syria”, Dr. Nawras Jaafar lecture  entitled “Prevention of Cancerous Tumors”, and Dr. Ghina  Najati, lecture on  "the Psychological Life of Children with Cancer".


The second session was co-chaired by Dr. Hussam Barakat and Dr. Dhafer Darwish, during which Dr. Hiba Abdul-Nabi lectured on “Balanced Diet for Children and Cancer Prevention".

The conference was concluded thanks extended to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and Elisar Foundation for sponsoring this important scientific conference. Thanks were also extended to all attendees who participated in the conference.

The  conference  was attended by Dr. Firas Al-Jarf from Al-Mowasat Hospital, Dr. Nawras Jaafar, Deputy Head of the Cancer Department at Ibn Al-Nafis Hospital, members from the Multiple Sclerosis Society, members from the Control Directorate in Lattakia and Tartous, Hisham Academy  for  Nutrition, Dr. Samir Barakat, Director of Medical Affairs at the Social Insurance Institution Dr. Ghani Najati,  ASPU Secretary Khaled Nagati, several specialized  doctors, and the volunteering  psychological support team at Elisar Foundation for the care and treatment of children with cancer.


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