ASPU Scientific Research Council Holds Second Meeting

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Saturday, 29 May, 2021


ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, also head of the Scientific Research Council, has chaired the second meeting of the Council for Scientific Research, at its headquarters in Baramkeh.

In an inaugural speech, Dr. al-Ashkar spoke about the importance of scientific research for the university and his keenness to continuously develop scientific research.


During the meeting, the scientific research tab in the main list of the university’s website was opened, including links to the "Scientific Research Council, Scientific Affairs, Scientific Research and the university current classification."


The participants in the meeting discussed research papers published in the name of the university following evaluation. They explained how the process of producing scientific research must be carried out so as to be accepted by the scientific researcher recruited by ASPU and how to activate the research and attribute it to the researcher, through examples of research that meet publication conditions, as well as setting up a plan to raise the university’s evaluation in the field of publishing scientific researches.


The meeting was attended by Dr. al-Ashkar, Dr. Khaled Al-Homsi, Vice President of the Council for Scientific Research, and scientific representatives of the University's faculties in Damascus and Latakia.

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