ASPU Faculty of Pharmacy Students Visit Ultra Medica Company

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Thursday, 27 May, 2021


At the directives of ASPU President Dr.  Sharif Al-Ashkar, the supervision of Dr. Muzna Al-Khani, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy for Scientific Affairs, and Dr. Tammam Shaker, the Faculty of Pharmacy has organized a scientific visit for its students to Ultra Medica Pharmaceutical Industries in Sednaya.


After welcoming the students Dr. Bashir Al Qasimi, company production director gave an introductory lecture to the students about the company and its products, followed by a tour on the various sections of the laboratory, including the production section, where the students were briefed on the solid and semi-solid forms section. The tour also covered the laboratory of physics, stability studies, chemical and mechanical laboratory, the bacterial laboratory, ready-made preparations warehouse and the packaging warehouse.

During the tour, the students were introduced to the company's departments and their technical specifications, and learned about the link between these departments and quality conditions used in pharmaceutical companies.


At the   training hall, samples of the company's various products were distributed to them.

This visit falls in the course of ASPU policy which always seeks to support scientific activities, and link the theoretical and the scientific sides together, so as to raise students’ academic achievements.


Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 1623
