ASPU Hosts 1st International Conference on Childs Cancer

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Sunday, 5 Sep, 2021

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor and ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashqar, and the Elisar Foundation for Care and Treatment of Children with Cancer, ASPU hosted the first virtual international conference on childhood cancer, organized by Dr. Ghina Najati, scientific coordinator and director of psychological support in the Foundation, under the slogan “We will defeat cancer”, on the university auditorium in Baramkeh.


In an inaugural speech, deputy minister of labor Dr. Rakan Ibrahim, Assistant Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, representing Mr. Muhammad Seif eddin, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, thanked the attendees and spoke about the importance of civil work in society in terms of its contribution to uniting efforts, increasing the bonds of love and affection, developing communication skills and building bridges of trust between the state and society

He stressed civil work association with a societal system based on doing good and thus leads to kinship among all members of society.

On the importance of this conference, especially in implementing  slogan advocated by President Bashar al-Assad, hope in work, and the scientific nature of the conference related to cancer research, Dr. Ibrahim stressed that  the ministry will continue to support the civil society for advancement, development and interaction in society in all its forms and types, as well as support all conferences and scientific events based on the exchange of knowledge, studies and scientific research.


Dr. Majd Al-Jamali had an important contribution to the opening ceremony by giving a speech on the importance of this conference.


Rania Al-ZarirASPU Vice President for Administrative and Student Affairs Dr. Rania al-Zarir highlighted efforts which  contributed to the organization of this humanitarian and medical conference, which is held for the first time in Syria for childhood cancer, noting that the conference aims to reach results that contribute to the support and treatment of children with cancer through what leading medical institutions perform in this field and the support given by the  government and its institutions. She indicated the need to keeping pace with development and scientific research to find new mechanisms for treatment and access to results and proposals that support the goals of the conference in eliminating childhood cancer, stressing that by joining hands and exchanging experiences and scientific, medical and technical studies on childhood cancer, in addition to the diversity of opinions, we will succeed in finding new formulas that contribute to the recovery of dear children with cancer.


Secretary of the Elisar Foundation for the Care and Treatment of Children with Cancer Basima Safia, spoke about the foundation ’s goal to be a civilized institution that lives up to serving, supporting and directing the human being in an optimal manner towards a sound and healthy life, and  to integrate those children after their recovery  into society in coordination with the Syrian Trust for Development

She gave mention to the foundation future plans and programs, and the efforts to spread awareness in the community, in order to help in early detection of the disease and the mechanism of dealing with the case.

She hinted the scientific research program through which Elisar Foundation will conduct, manifested in a statistical database for children with cancer in Syria in coordination with the Scientific Research Commission, noting  that the Foundation will continue helping affected children and their families with all available capabilities and will not hesitate to alleviate their pain and suffering.

The program of the first day of the conference included two sessions, the first was chaired by Dr. Fayza Al-Qabili and Dr. Nawras Jaafar, during which Dr. Naboug Al-Awa gave a lecture entitled “Corona Updates”, and the second lecture was by Dr. Kinan Kanfa from Germany via the Telegram application under the title “Leukemia at children".

The second session was chaired by Hazem Al-Sawaf and Dr. Samir Barakat, during which he gave two lectures via the Telegram application. The first lecture was by Dr. Zuhair Sorour from Germany entitled "Sarcoma in Children", and Dr. Jihad Haddad from Russia gave a lecture entitled "Psychological support for children with cancer and their families".


Elisar Foundation children presented honorary shields to the lecturers in appreciation of their attendance and their distinguished expertise.

The conference was attended by Dr. Rakan Ibrahim, Dr. Rania Al-Zarir, Ms. Basima Safia, Dr. Ghina Nagati, Dr. Faisal Sorour from  Damascus  Governorate Office, Dr. Amal Mahasin, President of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Dr. Ibrahim Nizar, Director of Ibn Al-Nafis Hospital, Dr. Hiam Bashour from the Ministry of Health, P Khaled Najati,  ASPU Secretary  and  elite doctors, Baath party and state officials, directors and heads of public institutions, ASPU deans of faculties, directors and faculty members children of Elisar Foundation and their families, and volunteer psychological support team at the Elisar Foundation for the care and treatment of children with cancer.

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