ASPU Lattakia Pharmacy Faculties Convene Students Conference

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Saturday, 18 December, 2021


Attended by ASPU President. Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, Dr. Hammoud Ghazal, Director of Lattakia Faculties, Dr. Lama Al-Hoshi, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Lattakia, faculty members, and NUSS branch have met with Faculty of Pharmacy students - Faculties of Lattakia. Discussions dealt with the most important achievements in 2021.


Dr. al-Ashkar and his companions listened to students’ inquiries and suggestions, stressing university's efforts to improve all services provided to them and secure all their needs.

Then, a new NUSS commission for the faculty of pharmacy was elected.

Univ/Faculty News

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