ASPU, Pharma Company for Pharmaceutical Industries Cooperation Agreement Signed

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Sunday, 27 Feb, 2022

In the course of enhancing bilateral cooperation for the common interest between the university and the country’s public and private sectors and the care to follow up efforts to activate scientific research with partner parties.


ASPU has signed a cooperation agreement with Diamond Pharma for Pharmaceutical Industries, attended by company director Dr. Ahmed Nabil Al-Ashkar, and medical and scientific staff.

In a media statement, ASPU President Ashkar said that the agreement aims to support and develop joint cooperation between the two sides in the fields of scientific research, practical training and expertise for the university students, and to integrate the graduate students into the labor market, thereby benefiting from their academic and practical experiences.


He noted the importance of the agreement in facilitating scientific visits for faculty of pharmacy students to the company’s departments and laboratories, holding conferences, exhibitions and workshops, and providing job opportunities for the students, as needed.

Also noted was  the need of  exchange of books and scientific references, holding training courses for fifth-year students, allocating some graduation projects to study the pharmaceutical company’s products, and allocating a (stand)  at the university faculty of  Pharmacy to display the pharmaceutical company’s varieties and models of medicines in the two virtual pharmacies in order to train students, sponsoring scientific and student events and activities held by the faculty  for Diamond Pharma products through special lectures, introductory seminars, and holding  sideline  pharmaceutical exhibitions.


ASPU President expressed noted that  the  university and its specialized teaching and administrative cadres are ready to provide support, help and assistance in solving any productivity problem in the company, and to cooperate in order to carry out joint studies for bilateral benefits,  especially  under  the  unjust economic siege that the country has been experiencing and the shortage of Medicines and their constantly rising prices, a matter  which necessitate finding joint and immediate solutions to have  new and effective formulas that contribute to alleviating the  consequences of the crisis.


Worthy mentioning  that Diamond Pharma Company for Pharmaceutical Industries is one of the major national companies in Syria, which is still working at a high pace and continuous efforts to manufacture various types of medicines and therapeutic items necessary for pharmacies, in addition to its various activities , manifested in various seminars and conferences and the active  participation in all pharmaceutical activities in order  to improve the Syrian medicine  industry  , at an  affordable price for citizens.

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