ASPU Dummar Craft Incubator

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Wednesday, 6 April, 2022

ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, accompanied by Talaat Al-Ashkar, head of the Damascus Countryside Chamber of Tourism, and Mr. Fayez Mansour, General Manager of the Syrian company for tourism marketing have  visited Dummar craft incubator.


They were welcomed by the incubator's CEO, Louay Shakou, media coordinator Adnan Tanbakji, and officials concerned.


Dr. al-Ashkar and his companions toured the incubator’s departments and craft fairs and commended the ingenuity of work and accuracy of achievement, noting the importance of cooperation between the two sides.
The incubator’s officials presented a symbolic gift to Dr. Ashkar, noting the importance of his visit in support of the incubator, which is supervised by the central leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party.

Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 1965
