ASPU Council 58th Meeting

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Mondayd, 4 April, 2022

ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar has presided over a meeting for the university council, attended by council members, deans and representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and   NUSS University branch to discuss issues pertinent to the university and students.


Discussions dealt with university matters and so far completed works  at all levels was discussed, the directives provided  to develop work and to control, organize, and audit educational processes so that to be up to  international standards.

Dr. Al Askhar noted the adopted procedures that must be adhered during final examinations period for the second semester, including question forms and exams duration.


The ASPU council also discussed many topics, including the average number of hours registered at university faculties in the second semester of 2022-2021 academic year, and the main measures for appointing teaching assistants at the university, in addition to several proposals put by university faculties.

Univ/Faculty News

Visits: 1972
