ASPU Workshop for Pharmaceutical Companies

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Mondayd, 16 May, 2022

 Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar, the faculty of Pharmacy held a workshop, in cooperation with NUSS university branch and “Next” Pharmaceutical Marketing Company. It was attended by Dr. Fayza Al-Qubili, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the scientific, administrative representatives, Dr. Basil Al-Hussein, Dr. Wael Al-Agwany, Dr. Talal Mohsen representing  “Next” company,  University representative of  the NUSS Majd Al-Hamad, and  faculty and administrative staff members at the university.


In an inaugural speech Dr.  al Qubili welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of pharmaceutical marketing, of medicines and medical devices by private and public institutions to physicians and consumer physicians, and marketing is a top priority for the major players in the pharmaceutical industry.


Dr. al-Ashkar talked about the importance of universities contribution to scientific research, especially after the use of distance education.  “ Today,  in ASPU we focus on preparing and qualifying our students to join the life market, not the labor market”, Dr. al-Ashkar said , adding  that the  labor market has become overcrowded and that  success today is to be  the first student in this market ((the market of practical  life)).


The workshop included several  lectures given by the faculty members and participating  companies under  different titles, including “the concept of bioequivalence of pharmaceutical drugs”, “marketing within companies and pharmacies, “the role of the scientific representative in distinguishing medical advertising”, and “Using hyaluronic acid as a syringe ready for injection.”


Then “next” company presented Dr. al-Ashkar with an honorary shield for sponsoring the workshop, and for his part, he presented certificates of thanks and appreciation to the participating companies in appreciation of their efforts.


Univ/Faculty News

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