ASPU 3rd International Dental Conference:" Contemporary Dentistry between Fundamentals & Modern Technologies"

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Sunday, 4 June, 2023

Under the auspices of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Bassam Ibrahim, and the supervision ASPU President Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar, the Faculty of Dentistry at the University, in cooperation with the National Union of Syrian Students (NUSS), has organized its 3rd International Dental Conference under the slogan "Contemporary Dentistry between Fundamentals and Modern Technologies".
The conference was attended by professors and doctors from Arab and foreign countries, and opened with observing a minute of silence for the spirit of the founding leader, Hafez al-Assad, and souls of the country's martyrs.
In an inaugural speech   Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Bassam Ibrahim stressed the Ministry and all educational institutions, research bodies and higher institutes cooperation with counterpart universities in Arab countries, whether in conferences or publishing scientific research. In refereed scientific journals and joint scientific supervision of postgraduate and master’s theses.
He also stressed support cooperation in other related scientific activities. wishing success for the conference in concluding important proposals and recommendations.
Dr. al-Ashkar for his part, noted the importance of this conference in coming up with modern research, proposals and serious ideas that serve dentistry   and contribute to its development and upgrading, as the dental profession is one of the professions that is constantly evolving and renewed.
He added that ASPU has carried out many practical, educational and student activities this year, including the publication of several researches in scientific journals with a high impact factor, noting that ASPU has ranked third according to the latest classification of Syrian universities following Damascus and Tishreen Universities, knowing that ASPU is the newest among the country's public and private universities.
He thanked all efforts that contributed to the success of the conference, and expressed mercy for the souls of the righteous martyrs, and full loyalty to President Bashar Al-Assad, the patron of science and scholars.
In his speech, Dr. Hazem Al-Sawaf, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the university, welcomed the attendees and lecturers participating in the conference, and noted the significance of the conference slogan to that there are basics in the profession of dentistry that change slowly and are taught in all universities, and there are techniques that change every day to serve the basics of dentistry.
He stressed the need of students understanding of the basics so that they can adapt technologies to serve patients, wishing them continued success in their practical and scientific experiences.
University NUSS representative Majd Al-Hamad pointed out that ASPU conferences, , have a great impact and importance felt by everyone who participates or follows up their results, manifested in  the  ideas that were discussed , especially the current 3rd dentistry conference.
By the inauguration ceremony, students who obtained first ranks in the unified national exam and students who obtained international patents were honored.

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