Faculty Message

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Faculty mission:

The faculty aims at teaching a standard and advanced curriculum in information Technology Engineering and qualifying engineers to fill positions required by needs of local and international technical and business development. The faculty is keen to keep pace with modernizing its curriculum with the global technological development. It also works to upgrade the scientific level through using latest scientific teaching methods such as laboratories and modern teaching methods, using modern computers and advanced information technology. Efforts are made to establish advanced research laboratories to be put at the disposal of faculty's professors and students, or cooperating researchers from outside the university, and to open postgraduate studies to award a master's and doctorate degree in information engineering in the coming years.

Objectives of the Faculty of Engineering

Education:  To provide specialized educational engineering programs with a specific specialization for primary and higher studies, and a distinguished educational environment recognized so that graduates have a high professional experience and basic engineering education.

Research: To provide a high-level research environment so that its teachers, researchers and students can conduct research in basic engineering, applied and exploratory fields and disseminate and acquire existing and emerging knowledge.

Community service: Interacting with the community and getting engaged in the development of the local software industry, so as you contribute to the social and economic development of the country.

Visits: 1151
