Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences 

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to ASPU Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Thanks to the efforts of its teaching and administrative cadres, ASPU has been regularly working to develop range of program, expand the scope of its specialties and provide latest scientifically- oriented curricula. We do this with the aim of providing an advanced educational process that keeps pace with latest developments in the academic and professional areas, creating a supportive educational environment that focuses on developing students thinking and refining their skills with a view to have efficient graduates capable of engaging in and succeeding in the labor market, in compliance with recent technological changes which constitute a real challenge for us.

In a short period of time since its foundation ASPU has achieved remarkable successes, manifested in the doubled number of students in large proportions, with new faculties opened at the university level and new departments opened at the level of faculties.

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences provides quality education for its students so as to become professionals in the field of business through various programs and academic levels and applied learning methods. We aspire, through these programs to prepare students and inspire them with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity to enhance critical and creative thinking, with a multidisciplinary approach to applying basic theories to reach solutions in the world of business and contemporary management.

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences includes four main specialties:

  • Accounting
  • Human Resource Management
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Marketing

ASPU Faculty of Administrative Sciences is recognized by Syrian government agencies and bodies, and by Germany and accordingly, European countries.

It is well connected with the local community and always works to strengthen relations with various public and private entities and events, and its students undergo several field training projects and workshops in government and private institutions such as Damascus Stock Exchange, banks, insurance companies and leading business organizations.

The faculty administration seeks to continuously improve performance and create more opportunities for students and spare no efforts to gain new achievements by developing areas of scientific research and developing the necessary infrastructure for the scientific process and following latest standards in this area.

It strives to establish postgraduate programs and stimulate excellence in teaching and education and continue to develop and expand student staff, strengthen relationships with local and regional business community and government sector bodies and establish appropriate partnerships with universities and international academic institutions.

It also seeks to secure more training opportunities and education projects and maintain close relations with the Syrian business community and our graduates in order to benefit from their new practical experiences and also provide them with the latest developments in research and academic studies with the to implement these developments on the ground.

In conclusion, I assure from my position as dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences full commitment to our set plans and the approach to develop our university and faculty and implement research plans and encourage innovation.

 We are always ready to receive your ideas and discuss them and embrace what serves your interest and the interest of the university, looking forward to meet you very soon.

Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Dr. Rania Al-Zrair


Visits: 1182
