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ASPU President Chairs over a Meeting for Lattakia Faculties Deans
ASPU President Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar has presided over a meeting for deans of the faculties of Lattakia at the university headquarters in Lattakia Discussions centered on the progress of the teaching process for the summer ...

More Graduation Projects by ASPU Faculty of Administrative Sciences Students
Students from ASPU faculty of administrative sciences have discussed their graduation projects with under various titles, which embarked on applied studies and centered on ...

ASPU for Cooperation with  Russia Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, the university administration, in cooperation with the Russian Cultural Center in Damascus and St. Petersburg ...

Faculty of Administrative Sciences Students Display Distinguished Graduation Projects
In the presence of ASPU Vice President for Administrative and Student Affairs and Dean of the faculty of Administrative Sciences Dr. Rania l-Zarir faculty students have discussed their graduation projects of distinctive titles ...

Politics in the Arab world & future prospects for Russian-Palestinian Relations: ASPU Students Graduation Projects
Several ASPU students of the faculty of International and Diplomatic Relations have discussed their graduation projects in the presence of Dr. Hussein Mukled, Dean of the faculty, and ...

ASPU Administrative Sciences Graduation Projects: New Researches in Accounting
Various titles were discussed by ASPU faculty of administrative students in their graduation projects, presented before members of the jury committee in the presence of Dr. Rania Al-Zarir, Vice President for administrative and students’ affairs. These included titles on ...

Lattakia Faculties of Dentistry & Pharmacy Graduation Projects Discussed
Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and the supervision of Dr. Hammoud Ghazal, Director of the Faculties of Lattakia, students of the faculties of dentistry and Pharmacy have discussed their graduation projects, which included important titles on ...

ASPU 61st Council Evaluates Final Exam of the 2nd semester for 2021/2022 Academic Year
Based on the commitment of ASPU employees and in appreciation of their efforts towards the optimum, ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, opened the council’s session by honoring Ms. ...

Administrative Sciences Graduation Projects Discussed Important Titles
Several students of ASPU faculty of administrative sciences have discussed their graduation projects, in the presence of faculty professors. Among the graduation projects, were topics on ...

ASPU Lattakia Faculty of Law Students Graduation Projects Discussed
Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and the supervision of Dr. Hammoud Ghazal, Director of Lattakia Faculties of Lattakia, students of the Faculty of Law have discussed their graduation projects, which covered important titles on ...

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