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ASPU Directors Meet on Improving Performance
At the directives of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, university vice president for administrative and student affairs Dr. Rania Al-Zarir, chaired over a meeting for university directors , in the presence of ...

ASPU Honors its Managers and Employees, Attendees of Leadership Course
Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and in cooperation with GlobeMed Health Insurance Company, the university honored its managers and employees who participated in the skills development and leadership training course, under the supervision of Dr. Ali Al-Shalabi ...

Medicine Faculty First Scientific Day: (Emergency Medical Cases)
Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and the supervision of Dr. Hussam eddin Al-Shibli, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and in cooperation with the ...

More Graduates of ASPU Faculty of Informatics Engineering
ASPU faculty of informatics engineering continued discussion of their graduation projects before members of the jury committee headed by Dr. Iyad Al-Khayat and supervised by Dr. Rizk Ghanem, Dr. Basil Shaheen and Dr. Osama Bahbouh ...

ASPU Informatics Engineering Students Graduation Projects for 2021/2022
ASPU faculty of informatics engineering students have discussed their graduation projects before members of the jury committee headed by Dr. Eyad Al-Khayat and supervised by Dr. Rizk Ghanem, Dr...

Due Registration Fees for the first semester of 2022-2023 Academic Year
Dear students in all ASPU faculties in Damascus and Lattakia who wish to register for the first semester of 2022/2023 Academic Year. Due payment of set sums  for registration in the first semester starts as  from ...

ASPU President Meets with Deans of Lattakia Faculties
ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, has presided over a meeting for Lattakia faculties’ deans, attended by faculties’ director Dr.  Dr. Hammoud Ghazal ...

Dr. Al-Ashkar Inspects Lattakia Faculties
ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, made an inspection visit, on Lattakia faculties during which he was briefed on the progress of the midterm exams for the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022 ...

ASPU 62nd   Council Convened: Outstanding employees honored
In appreciation of the efforts and excellence of ASPU employees in performing their work that resulted in enhancing the university’s position and contributed to achieving its ...

ASPU Faculty of Dentistry Students Visit Orphanage Care Centre
Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and the supervision of faculty dean Dr. Hazem Al-Sawaf, the university NUSS branch organized a visit to the ...

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