Faculty Message

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Faculty Vision:

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences aspires to be a distinctive source for scientific knowledge, human resources and practical experience required by administrative and economic development processes, in decision making and business performance. It seeks to be distinguished in its performance, to provide the business community with highly qualified scientific and practical staff, capable of interacting positively with its environment, to ensure best investment of available resources and support administrative and economic development efforts.

The faculty of Administrative Sciences believes that it must form a single socio-economic and socio-economic unit with the rest of the business organizations and bodies concerned with the business sector in order to develop the society scientifically and intellectively and increase its social and material well-being.

Faculty Message:

  • The Faculty of Administrative Sciences is keen on supporting the community through:
  • Utilizing the intellectual and research potential of the faculty and its students to produce outstanding scientific research capable of achieving the benefits of society and increasing its welfare.
  • Contributing to reducing migration of young people and minds by providing opportunities for learning and training, that are equivalent to those in developed countries, and creating national cadres capable of serving social issues in the field of specialization.
  • Enhancing the culture of investment, disseminating the culture of work, ethics, research culture and logic, enhancing the spirit of excellence, quality of performance, teamwork and other constructive values. The faculty is also keen to support the business sector through:
  • Contributing to the regulation of the business sector and its performance in accordance with international standards, and cooperating with governmental and semi-governmental bodies in this regard.
  • Contributing to solving problems experienced by business organizations on scientific basis, so as to avoid of loss of material and moral resources.
  • Boosting fruitful and effective communication with the business community to achieve its objectives (including the organization of scientific conferences and participation in the activities and events of any concerned entity, which seeks to support the economic sector and its economic institutions). It is therefore keen to find communication opportunities for its researchers and students, with the owners of economic events and with the bodies supervising their activities.
  • Provide cadres of graduates capable of performing the work entrusted to them in the best way, taking advantage of their scientific competence and practical skills.t
  • he Faculty of Administrative Sciences is also keen to support its students to obtain the best specialized scientific and practical knowledge through:
  • Providing necessary materials needed for education and rehabilitation, and valuable and reliable sources of knowledge they need in their specialties, both scientific books, or specialized journals or access to the global digital libraries.
  • Cooperating with business organizations, including companies, banks and others, and sides supervising them in order to train and qualify their students, to involve them in solving their problems, and to create positive interaction between the faculty and business organizations to serve both sides and achieve their goals.
  • Providing specialized and efficient teaching and training staff.
  • Following up the affairs of its graduates after graduation, and see the adequacy of their scientific and practical qualification and help them to find suitable job opportunities and to solve the issues and problems that are facing them.

Values ??of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences:

In the performance of assigned  tasks,  the  Faculty of Administrative Sciences starts by a set of values ??that it believes in, including: maintaining public morals and respecting the values ??of the society; disseminating  the culture of excellence and creativity among its students, professors and employees, and work of the cadres, in all their various  works and categories, to be performed  in the spirit of the team, work transparently and clearly, maintain the confidentiality required in the performance of some activities and work, credibility in dealing, non-violation of laws and regulations and regulations in force, the priority of belonging to the country and the university before any other  affiliation.

Objectives of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences:

  • Maintaining communication with business organizations to provide opportunities for its students for training and to obtain the data and information required to their research and graduation projects.
  • Selection of distinguished scientific and administrative staff, in terms of behavior and experience, to teach and carry out scientific research in various specialized sections.
  • Updating study plans of the specialized departments, in order to keep abreast of the scientific developments and the availability of the necessary practical expertise, to serve needs of the society and the business environment.
  • Preparing necessary plans, to have necessary approvals to open a department for postgraduate studies, and provide rehabilitation and training means for graduate students.
  • Developing a system to evaluate the performance of the faculty, departments, academics and administrative personnel.
  • Developing an integrated plan to create a business incubator, in cooperation with various bodies inside and outside the university, supporting small and medium enterprises.
  • Following -up and organizing social activities in the faculty so as to enhance the culture of cooperation, increase the cohesion among its cadres and deepen mutual trust among them.

Visits: 5292
