Admission Rules

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Admission and Registration

Admission and Registration Rules:

Students with general secondary education (regardless of year of admission) whether scientific or literary one, and Sharia-religious-  (as well as the professional up to 25% of the maximum number of students admitted), are admitted to university according to the resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education in Syria which set the minimum rates and admission marks in each college And specialized secondary certificate holders who are admitted to the faculties of engineering and the specialization of computer systems are required to undertake remedial courses for mathematics and physics at the expense of the university.

The minimum admission limit is defined after dropping religious education mark and selecting either foreign language mark (English or French) if their certificate has both of them

Secondary School Degree/ Certificate  Regardless of the year attained

Faculty / Major

2160 marks



Faculty of medicine

2112 marks



Faculty of Dentistry

2064 marks



Faculty of Pharmacy

1392 marks



Faculty of Law

1232 marks


Literal – religious

1392 marks



Marketing  department

Faculty of Administrative Science

1232 marks

56 %


2772 marks

63 %

Professional Commercial

1392 marks

58 %


 -Department of accountancy

 -Banking And Financial Institution

 - Information Management Department

2772 marks

63 %

Professional Commercial

1344 marks

56 %


International Relation

1232 marks

56 %

Literal - Religious

1680 marks



Information Technology Engineering


3569 marks

83 %

 - Industrial professional Computer Technology

 -Programming and Operating Systems


 - Automatic control

 - Computer maintenance  Computer equipment


Rules of admission and Registration in various Specialization:

Students admission into any of the faculties depends on the comparison between the applicants, based on the grades attained in the general secondary certificate, and the minimum limits approved by the Ministry of Higher Education in Syria for each faculty and specialization. Students choose the specialization they wish to study and commensurate with their grade in the secondary stage, the following conditions must be met:

•  Fulfillment of the minimum rates set by the Ministry of Higher Education in Syria and students admission rules admission at the university.

•  Secondary degree  should be compatible with the specialization in which the student wishes to register (Scientific, Literal,professional….).

•  Student undertakes to commit to the University's regulations.

•  Commitment to abide by the schedule established at the university.

• The student should not be simultaneously enrolled in any other private or government university, except open Learning Center at Damascus University.


Conditions for accepting the secondary school certificate issued by foreign schools in the Arab countries that follow the British school curriculum in terms of:

• The International General Certificate for Secondary Education (IGCSE) - Ordinary Level - authenticated by the granting side,   and translated by a sworn in translator with 5 copies of it translated and certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates in Damascus.

• General Certificate of  Education (GCE) - advanced level B / 2 /  subjects at least (A-Level) or its equivalent “/ 4 / subjects from the additional advanced level” (AS-level) duly certified by its granting side  and translated by a sworn in translator  with  4 copies of it translated and certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates in Damascus.

• The academic sequence for grades (9-10) indicating the studied subjects, duly authenticated and translated by a sworn in translator, with copies of it translated and certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates in Damascus.

• A letter of equivalent to the certificate granted by the Ministry of Education of the granting country, duly certified and with a copy, certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates.

• The original High School diploma, duly authenticated by the granting side and translated by a sworn in translator  with 5 copies , translated and certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates.

Conditions for accepting the secondary school certificate issued by foreign schools in the Arab countries that follow the American school curriculum in terms of:

• The original High School diploma, duly authenticated by the granting side and translated by a sworn in translator  with 5 copies , translated and certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates.

• A letter of  equivalent to the certificate provided  by the Ministry of Education of the granting country, duly legalized, and a copy of it translated and certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates in Damascus.

• The academic sequence of grades (9-10-11-12) indicating the studied subjects, duly certified and translated by a sworn in translator, with 5 copies  of it certified by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates in Damascus, No. (5).



• In compliance with the instructions of the Legal Committee of the Council of Higher Education in its meeting held on 26/3/2018 on the mechanism to ensure the validity of secondary certificates granted by America and Canada, the following must be abide by:

• The concerned person has to submit an authorization in Arabic and English to the Ministry of Higher Education or the relevant Syrian diplomatic mission in order to verify and ask about the validity of his testimony.

• Payment of the verification fee, if any, in the manner it deems appropriate and attaching a payment receipt or an approved notification of payment, and then to be  sent to the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of America.

• The student or his guardian undertakes the aforementioned instructions and his responsibility for the authenticity of the documents and papers submitted by him by affiliation or registration at the university and in the event that any fraud or forgery of these papers or documents is proven to bear legal and financial consequences.

Registration Documents:

The application for registration shall be accompanied by the following documents and delivered to the Admission and Registration Department at the university or Faculty:

Non- Syrian Secondary Certificate

Syrian Secondary Certificate

The original secondary certificate duly certified

  - Certified photocopies of the certificate, including the marks of the study materials duly certified, No. (5)

  - A course of sequent classes (ninth, tenth, eleventh) certified, including the marks of the study materials duly certified, the number (5)

  - A certified copy of the preparatory certificate –Junior High school-  (if not mentioned in the sequence) Number (5)

  - A copy of the ID card of the Syrian student

  - Copy of passport for non-Syrian student

  - Colored Personal photo (3 * 4 cm) Number (5)

 - Original Certificate Document

-  Certified photocopies of the secondary certificate duly certified, No. (5)

 - A copy of the ID card of Syrian students

  - Copy of passport for non-Syrian students

 - colored  Personal photo (3 * 4 cm) Number (5)

Student admittance into the university according to non-Syrian secondary certificate is conditional until finishing all measurements needed to confirm it validity by the Ministry of Higher Education, and make it equal to the Syrian certificate Ministry of Education. 

In case of counterfeited  documents submitted to the university, student will be held financially accountable.

Transfer of students from universities and institutes:

Intermediate or Technical Institute Certificate:

• Student’s specialization is to be consistent with the specialty in which he wishes to register in accordance with Higher Education Council Decision No. / 465 of October 1, 2018.

• His average in the institute’s certificate is (good) at least, regardless to his average in the secondary certificate, and if his average in the secondary certificate is equal to the rate of admission to the college in the year of admission, it is accepted without looking at the average of the institute’s certificate.

University degree:

       A student , holder of a university degree (graduate or non-graduate) is accepted to enroll in private universities according to the following conditions:

• The student's specialization should be in line with the specialization he wishes to register in.

•His average in the university  certificate is (good) at least, and if his average in the secondary certificate is equal to the rate of admission to the college in the year of admission, it is accepted without looking at the average of the institute’s certificate.

• The student is not expelled from the University for Disciplinary Reasons.

Acceptance of  failed students  in public universities exclusively:

      Private universities are allowed to accept failed students in public universities, observing the following rules:

• His average in the secondary certificate should not be less than the required rate for the specialization to be enrolled in at the private university in the year of registration.

• The student is not expelled from the University for Disciplinary Reasons.

Required documents:

• A certified copy of the secondary certificate.

• Examination marks certified by the Ministry of Higher Education.

• Despan style='display: none'; ion of courses that contain the study plan by dividing the number of hours (theoretical - practical) for the place from which they are transferred.

University life file to ensure that there are no penalties against the student.

• A certified graduation certificate for institute students.

A copy of the identity card.

• Application fee / 10,000 / ten thousand Syrian pounds.


• The equation application is not accepted if all the required documents are not available and the student fulfills all the conditions of transportation and the admission employee is responsible for any error resulting from accepting the application.

• In implementation of Article / 20 / of Higher Education Council Resolution No. 167 regarding transferring students from non-Syrian universities, the following should be observed:

  • Fulfillment of residency requirement (eight months) for each academic year.

               - The university from which he is transferred must be accredited and recognized in the country of study and in the Syrian Arab Republic.


Transferring Students from universities and institutes (transference – compatible transference):

  • Students enrolled in Syrian universities (governmental and private) as well as non-Syrian universities (governmental and private) may transfer to our university in accordance with the conditions specified in the decisions of the Higher Education Council.
  • The credit hours system allows students graduating from intermediate and technological institutes to pursue their academic education in the colleges that conform to their specialization. It's therefore a perquisite that the student is either a good grade  class graduate in the institute or the student's average in the secondary certificate is equal to the admission requirement in the current academic year.
  • Grade scores in the student's GPA don't count and are referred to in the Scores statement as P.
  • Certified copy of the general secondary degree.
  • A copy of the graduation certificate.
  • A report Card (statement of scores) certified by the ministry of higher education. 
  • A statement of university life.
  • Course despan style='display: none'; ion, including a statement of practical and theoretical hours distribution.
  • A copy of the identity card.

Conditions of withdrawal from university after registration:

  •  If the registered student withdraws from a university college prior to the start of the academic semester according to the university calendar or during the first week of the academic year commencement, only tuition fee shall be returned. Fees of admission, registration, comparison, service and health insurance shall not refunded.
  •  If the registered student withdraws from a university college during the third week of the academic semester commencement according to the university calendar, the tuition fees paid to the university shall be returned after deducting 50%.
  •  If the registered student withdraws from one of the faculties of the university during the fourth week of the academic semester commencement according to the university calendar, the tuition fees paid to the university shall be refunded after deducting 75% of the tuition fees.
  •  If the registered student withdraws from one of the faculties of the university after one month from the academic semester commencement according to the university calendar, the tuition fees paid to the university shall not be returned. The admission, registration.

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