Quality and Academic Accreditation Office Message:

Based on ASPU’s  vision and mission stemmed  from its deep belief to attain  excellence through investing in the human resource that constitutes the goal of life and its  starting point to reach the sublime in  knowledge, learning, creativity and excellence , ASPU Deanship of Quality  message was formulated as follows:

“ Contribution  to place ASPU on the map of advanced international universities by building excellence in its academic, research and administrative services to serve the society  in light of international performance and accreditation standards.”

Objectives of Quality and Academic Accreditation Office:

Quality and Academic Accreditation office derives its goals from ASPU  strategic objectives, which are:

  • Preparing distinguished cadres from university graduates who are able to play an active role in national development.
  • Attaining quality assurance in higher education in accordance with quality and reliability standards established by the Ministry , in cooperation with foreign universities and expertise of an outstanding reputation and reputation.
  • Providing  graduate studies and scientific research appropriate attention , care and necessary support.
  • Ensuring community service and continuous adaptation to  the needs of scientific specialties.
  • Contributing to the development of the national system of higher education modernization
  • Building a bridge for scientific and cultural exchange and cooperation with Syrian, Arab, regional and international universities.
  • Helping graduates find job opportunities after graduation.
  • Providing the best material and technical conditions that help students towards excellence and scientific and artistic creativity.
  • Work to upgrade the university to contribute to human civilization.

Visits: 5943
