Prof. George Karraz

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  • 2007 PhD    University of Pavia-Italy, Artificial Intelligence.

  • 2002 Diploma of High Studies – University of Damascus-Syria, Biomedical Engineering.

  • 2000 BS  University of Damascus-Syria, Biomedical Engineering.


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2018-Actualmente, Decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Privada Al-Sham.

2015-2018,  Jefe del Dpto. de Inteligencia Artificial - Facultad de Ingeniería Informática - Universidad de Damasco.


An Intelligent System to Analyze the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging fMRIFaculty of Informatics Engineering2023-01-01Download      Download
Gaussian Pyramid for Nonlinear Support Vector MachineFaculty of Informatics Engineering2022-05-30Download      Download
Effect of Adaptive Line Enhancement Filters on Noise Cancellation in ECG SignalsFaculty of Informatics Engineering2021-10-02Download      Download
The Effect of Health Information Systems on the Administrative and Medical Performance in the Higher Educational Ministry HospitalsFaculty of Informatics Engineering2021-09-20Download
Una sonda de fibra ?ptica sensible para la espectroscop?a de fluorescencia autom?tica del c?ncer de lengua oral: estudio de simulaci?n de Monte CarloFaculty of Informatics Engineering2020-06-02Download      Download
Efecto de la absorci?n y dispersi?n sobre la fluorescencia de los tumores enterrados.Faculty of Informatics Engineering2020-05-01Download      Download
Efectividad de la computaci?n en la nube en la educaci?nFaculty of Informatics Engineering2019-05-30Download      Download
Automatic Classification of Heartbeats using Neural Network Classifier based on a Bayesian FrameworkFaculty of Informatics Engineering---Download
Intelligent System to Reduce Size and Time of Video DisplayFaculty of Informatics Engineering---Download
Una técnica novedosa para predecir y detectar el c?ncer de pulm?n en las im?genes de tomograf?a computarizadaFaculty of Informatics Engineering---Download