Syrian-USA, China Relations from a Syrian Diplomat Point of View

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Tuesday, 4 October, 2022

Under the patronage of ASPU President Dr. Sharif al-Ashkar  and  the presence of Dr. Hussein Makled, Dean of the Faculty of International and Diplomatic Relations, faculty professors, deans of the faculties of informatics engineering, medicine and pharmacy, and other officials  concerned, the Faculty of International and Diplomatic Relations, in cooperation with the university branch of the National Union of Syrian Students (NUSS) , a lecture was held  entitled “Relationships between Syria and the United States and China from the point of view of a Syrian diplomat” delivered by Ambassador Imad Mustafa, Director of the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


During the event which has become into a political seminar, the attendees discussed with Ambassador Mustafa all political aspects and the future of Syrian international relations in general.


Dr. al-Ashkar  thanked Ambassador Mustafa and the attendees and commended  the efforts made to convey  all the information needed by the students in the faculty of international relations  on the one hand, and sides concerned  in charge of the teaching process on the other hand, and those interested in political matters in general, wishing them continued progress  and success.


Univ/Faculty News

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