Announcement of results of filling vacancies for 2022-2023 academic year

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Thursday, 7 November, 2019

ASPU congratulates students accepted for filling vacancies for the academic year 2022-2023


ASPU notifies accepted students to come to the Directorate of Student Affairs to duly complete the registration process, during the specified period only, on Monday 7/11/2022 and Tuesday 8/11/2022 from 9 am to 2 pm.

It is also noted that the student is not considered registered if he does not pay the required sum, and submits all the documents required to complete the registration process in the Directorate of Student Affairs according to the dates specified above.

It is the hope that admitted students will adhere to the mentioned dates and the required documents specified below, since the student loses his right to register if he does not complete the registration procedures in full.

 Note that registration takes place at the headquarters of the faculty in which the student is accepted:

- Faculties of Informatics Engineering and International Relations and Diplomacy: the university's headquarters is in the city of Al-Tal.

- The two faculties of - Law - Administrative Sciences: The University’s headquarters is in Al-Baramkeh.

- University faculties in Lattakia: The University’s headquarters is in Lattakia, Al-Slabieh project, next to the Revolutionary Youth Union (RYU) - Al-Quwatli Street.

To know documents required for registration: click here.

To know results of filling vacancies at the university faculties in Damascus:

Faculty of Informatics Engineering

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Administrative Sciences - Secondary Scientific school / Literary certificate

Faculty of Administrative Sciences - Commercial Secondary School

Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy



Univ/Faculty News

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