ASPU President Inspects Medical Faculties Exams Process

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Saturday, 11 Jan, 2020

President of ASPU Dr. Yasser Hourieh has toured the Faculties of Human Medicine and Pharmacy in al-Tal premises, where he inspected process of the final exam for the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020.


Dr. Hourieh toured the examination halls accompanied by deans of faculties, Dr. Fayza al-Qubaili, dean of the faculty of Pharmacy,  Dr. Housam al-Shibli, dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine and Mr. Khaled Dakouri, director of public relations and media. He listened to students views about the exam questions, accuracy and comprehensiveness, stressing the university's constant endeavor to provide all means that support the integrity of the examination process and student satisfaction.


Dr. Hourieh noted that the university is keen to control the exam process in an optimal way through organizing the halls, ensuring students ’commitment to their halls, and preventing fraud cases.

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