Remarkable Graduation Projects by Administrative Sciences Faculty of Human Resources & Marketing Students

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Tuesday, 28 Sep, 2021


ASPU students of Administrative Sciences faculty have presented various graduation projects in human resources and marketing specializations, before members of the jury committee.

The projects included important titles in human resources, namely the impact of taking part in the administrative decision-making process on the creative behavior of employees, the impact of the organizational climate on the administrative creativity of employees in the organization, the impact of the organizational climate on performance of employees, the impact of training on improving workers’ productivity, and the impact of administrative creativity on sustainability of  excellence in the company.


The presented projects also included titles on marketing aspect , focusing on the impact of social networking sites on the consumer's purchasing decision, the impact of e-marketing and e-promotion through social networking sites in adopting consumer behavior, and the role of electronic media in attracting consumers to the product.

Members of the jury commended the projects presented in terms of the diversity of topics and richness of references, and efforts made by the students to this end.

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