ASPU Faculty of Dentistry Discusses First Graduation Projects

 Home Page Univ/Faculty News 
Mondayd, 11 October, 2021


In the presence  of ASPU President  Dr. Sharif Al-Ashkar, and  Dr. Rania Al-Zarir, Vice President for Administrative Affairs and Student Affairs, first batch  students in ASPU Faculty of Dentistry have discussed their graduation projects at the end of the summer semester of the academic year 2020-2021.


Faculty dean Dr. Hazem Al-Sawaf, chaired the projects’ jury committee , along with Dr. Ghassan Al-Basit, the scientific representative of the faculty, Dr. Iyad Abu Asali, the administrative representative, Dr. Rami Ezz eddin , Dr. Reem Nasser, and Dr. Muhannad Al-Balkhi.


Most of the projects focused on complex clinical cases, students of the first batch chose an integrated clinical case from the cases experiences  by the faculty clinics in Damascus and discussed all the steps by presenting the complete case and how to treat it,  documented by x-rays.


Members of the jury  committee commended the project , considering  it one of the distinguished projects due to the level of treatments carried out with precision and proficiency, stressing faculty  of dentistry pride  in the high academic and scientific level enjoyed by its students.

ASPU is  always proud of the excellence of its students, and congratulates them and their families, wishing  them continued excellence and success.

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